European University in Tbilisi

European University in Tbilisi

European University in Tbilisi Georgia is a licensed educational institution established in 2004, which implements higher education programs in accordance with the rules established by law and issues a state-recognized qualification certificate

European University in Tbilisi
European University in Tbilisi

By the Decision of the Educational Institutions Authorization Board of January 21, 2011, the university was granted the status of an educational university for a period of 5 years. By 2012, the university was implementing three educational programs: a bachelor’s degree in nursing, a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy, and a master’s degree program in health administration. The marginal number of students was 246 male and female students. At the end of 2013, the university received accreditation for the Bachelor’s degree program in Banking and Finance, and in 2014-2017 – for the educational programs it currently pursues, including the English-language educational program for the graduate doctor, which accounts for the largest share of foreign students. In accordance with the decision of the Council for the Authorization of Higher Education Institutions of January 18, 2016, the European University regained the status of a teaching university for a period of 5 years until 2021. According to the decision of the Board of Directors

European University in Tbilisi
European University in Tbilisi

Delegating higher education institutions on December 13, 2016, the university has a marginal student population of 1,500 students, and in accordance with the decision of the Higher Education Institutions Delegation Council of July 26, 2019, the European University has set the threshold of 3,000 students

University vision
The European University is a higher education institution based on European values and focused on sustainable development and whose mission is to

Promote personal fulfillment and creativity in local and international students and academic staff by developing critical, innovative and academic thinking skills
Providing high quality, student-oriented education
Provide effective participation and contribution in shaping the knowledge society and knowledge-based economy in Georgia
Supporting scientific/research and creative activities
Preparing a competitive workforce for the local and international labor markets
Providing academic freedom to students and faculty
Attention to the development of society in terms of social responsibility, ensuring lifelong education, promoting tolerance, mutual respect and intercultural dialogue

Study programs and fees European University in Tbilisi for international students

:Bachelor’s Degree Programs and Tuition Fees

Medicine5000 $ annuallyStudy 6 years
Dentist3500 $ annuallyStudy 5 years

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