Georgian American University (GAU)

:Georgian American University (GAU) Establishment of Georgian American University

The demand in Tbilisi for a truly Western university was so obvious that despite the fact that at that time there were already international business schools in operation, interest in a program offering joint programs in business and law was great enough to advance the opening of a business school and a college Law at Georgian American University in 2005

In February 2005, a joint limited liability company of American and Georgian investors was formed. This dedicated group and its board of directors have set standards for financial and operational management that are in line with the rigorous international, ethical and educational standards necessary. This group of investors possesses a wide range of knowledge and experience such as

Georgian American University (GAU)
Georgian American University (GAU)

Experience with US and Georgian and international law
Experience with the US, Georgian and international business, banking, financial and management sectors
public relations in Georgia and internationally
Experience with the United States, Georgian and international education systems
Experience with the US government

Georgian American University (GAU)

Georgian American University (GAU) University Development

Since its inception, GAU has experienced many changes, challenges and successes. Wherever the market requires it, new programs have been introduced, and existing programs continue to be developed and improved. The drive towards perfecting the educational process as well as the management of the university is instilled in every founder, board member, faculty, and employee

GAU has one of, if not the highest employability rates for its students and graduates in Georgia, due in part to the exceptional professional and practical skills developed as well as the concentration of professional English

In the 2011/2012 academic year, GAU added the International Relations and Diplomacy Program to its School of Law, resulting in a name change to the School of Law and Social Sciences. In the 2012/2013 academic year, given the successful performance of both the Business and Law Faculties, and taking into account the state’s priorities and market demand, GAU opened the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. In the 2013-14 academic year, GAU added the School of Liberal Education and Humanities

On a regular basis, GAU students are given unique opportunities through internships to work with local organizations. GAU students are also able to participate in foreign university exchange program

For the 2012/2013 academic year, GAU relocated to a new campus location (10 Merab Aleksidze Street) which was more in line with the university’s high standards. 6000 square meters. The building contains large classrooms, a modern library/computer lab, coffee shop, gym and lounges. This, along with the vast spaces, creates an enjoyable and productive academic environment

Study Programs and Fees Georgian American University (GAU) for international students

6 years5000 dollars annuallyMedicine
4 years3800 dollars annuallyBachelor of Business Administration

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